• I used to want to be an artist, now I'm happy just to make it through another day alive.
  • I wanted to be a guitar player [which I am] and I wanted to be in a band that would tour the world.
  • I wanted to be a doctor in every way, to get married and be "happy" like my mother and father. As I got older, I realized due to all the math and chemistry involved which I HATED, medicine would not be something I could academically handle, so I had to change course. As for wanting to have a marriage like my parents did, I realized they had a pretty dysfunctional and not very happy marriage really. I saw and heard things as an adult I never picked up on as a child. I tried marriage, and instead of staying in it like my parents because they did not want it to look "bad" to their friends if they divorced," I divorced as soon as I could. Since then, I have not been able to have a relationship that was one where I felt being married would be wise or a long term situation. I have now learned to adapt to not having what I dreamed about as a child, as much as I would have liked to have done and had the two things I mentioned.
  • Why do you assume that the dreams have gone unfulfilled? All of my childhood dreams have been fulfilled except for the swimming pool.
  • I wanted to be a doctor and have a nice condo or something nice for a home. I got sick with scizoaffective/bipolar at 19 or 20. I felt sooo bad for a couple years. then I got over it and now run a website.
  • When I was little, all I really wanted was my family, and then they all changed and sort of screwed all that up. But I'm happy without them
  • A military pilot or marine biologist. Car accident while in Air Cadets smashed both legs. Only got as far as my glider pilot wings. Military aviation was not an option due to the physical and had to lie my way into the Navy. The marine biologist dream was squashed by myself. I found that I enjoyed diving more than the sea life . Man made underwater structures became my fav as well as recovery. These I do now.
  • All of mine have been fulfilled, except one. At this point, I wanted to be financially set. That will not happen because of a degenerative spine. But, I still have my wife, 3 kids, a nice home, and my dog. I just wish it was easier on my wife.
  • No. I wanted to be a teacher but quit school and got married instead. I still regret it. My childhood ambition even before that was to marry Elvis Prestly. That wasn't fulfilled either. I still regret it :)
  • Yes I wanted to be a Doctor but a Medical Doctor so it was not what I wanted. I would also have liked to be an Olympian and a Prima Ballerina. We all have dreams
  • In childhood, I didn't think about the future. In my later teen years, I wanted to find the right person to fall in love with, get married, have children and be nurse. My ambitions were fulfilled.
  • I was always fascinated with computers in my childhood.Today I'm a computer software professional.
  • No on two counts. I played a musical instrument for many years. I knew I wasn't good enough to really make a career of it though. And I thought I had a shot at my other serious hope. When I was growing up, for the longest time, I wanted to be professional navy. One big problem though. My eyes were way too bad and I didn't find out about this until real late.
  • No, he's still alive.

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