• One, or a, year without light.
  • A Year Without Light
  • One year without light.
  • A year without light.
  • It depends, proper or figurative meaning. Properly, one meaning; the above. Figuratively, several meanings; can be : ideas, intelligence, enlightened people, answer(s) or solution(s) to something,..... I hope it helped!
  • "Okay, I think I have a translation of the French. Note that the above lyrics are slightly mistyped; check your CD booklet (or the band's website) for the right ones. "A year without lights. I ride a horse who wears blinders" and "The night, my eyes alight you. Don't tell your father that he wears blinders" " "Guys, translation being: Une annee sans lumieres. -a year without lights Je monte un cheval, -I'm riding a horse qui porte des oeilleres. -who's wearing blinkers. la nuit, mes yeux t'eclairent. -tonight, my eyes light you up (or maybe light up when I see you?) Ne dis pas a ton pere -don't tell your dad qu'il porte des oeillieres. -that he's wearing blinkers." Arcade Fire - Une Année Sans Lumière (l'Album de la Semaine) Source and further information:

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