• I don't have that information but you can check some airline accidents ratings and statistics here:
  • Around 49,315 per day. From my other answer about how many commercial flights are there in the world every day: According to dated stats* from 2000, "...the world's commercial jet airlines carried approximately 1.09 billion people on 18 million flights [that year]..." That figure divided by 365 days per year is 49,315 flights per day and being 2006, it's probably more. So, as long as there isn't a crash that day, there ya go! *from Boeing
  • For the person who asked the question: Rarely do planes crash. The only reason why we hear about them is that because it is such a rare event, the media makes a big fuss about it. I have read several times that if you are going on a flight, the chance of your plane having an accident is less than the chance of your car being involved in an accident while you are driving to the airport.
  • I can tell you exactly. All the ones still in the air. This is almost like asking how many dead people are in a cemetery :)
  • A statistic said that, if you flew every day, after 49000 years you will suffer a death accident, and I think you won't live that long...

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