• My ex still calls just to see if I haven't killed myself yet. Sad but true.
  • Depends on the way the break up happend. sometimes they feel they might have parts that are not included in the break up and thing being friends might have a chance. I have had exes come into my life after several years by coincedence, passing on the street and talking without weird energy and the renewed connection feels right.
  • Ive never had an ex keep in touch with me. Is it possible I'm not not the fantastic catch I think I am. lol I would love to hear some stories from people who's ex's keep in touch with them. Id like to know how the present partner finds that arrangement.
  • I think that it's truly impossible to stay "friends" with someone that you had an intense love affair with. It would be too painful. I think those who DO stay "friends" really weren't all that emotionally connected to begin with. I was able to stay friends with guys I casually dated but that was it. If one or the other's emotions were involved, we couldn't be friends.
  • love this question.. I honestly dont know why people keep in touch with their ex's ( unless they have kids together) In my opinion it didnt work the first time, maybe a friendship, but I know theres no way I could be "friends" with one of my ex's. My current b/f wanted to keep in touch with his ex, but I nipped that in the but... I think nothing good comes of it
  • I think it's because one know them so well, that they can be vey good friends. ;)
  • All of my ex's periodically contact me. They do it because they haven't found anyone like me I suppose...
  • I believe most leave a relationship with the thought in mind that their partner is holding them back for moving forward. (they feel they can do better). once out in the big ugly world they soon find out that the one they were with put up with a lot of shit from them that others would not deal with. They find out that they had the one that would treat them the best and blew it. They want it all back but still feel the need to keep their options open. this is why they want to get back but always want one foot out the door sort of all the benefits without the commitment. They say it is to make sure or that they want to take things slower the second time around. That is bull, they are looking for something better but still want all they can get from us.
  • I am not in touch with any of my ex's. I did move provinces so that may why.
  • Most of the time,,,I think it's because of the Children and there activities;)
  • I think they usually do it becuase they want to have you as a back up - I guess what most people think is, that if we were together before, and we are on good terms now, why not keep in touch, and maybe call for a booty call later. :P
  • Because the sex was good & they are still comfy with you. Its easier to get with someone who knows what they like then to go & get their ego's let down from being turned down. Also, once your past hating each other & you don't have to live with each others mistakes & someone else does its easier to talk about things when your not the one on the receiving end with the ex in laws too.
  • I believe it's because they still have feelings for each other. My boyfriend thought he could be friends with his exes but it has been proved otherwise that the intent wasn't good.
  • they want to play with your emotions... for their excitement
  • If you have children together, keeping in touch is important. If you don't, and there was no betrayal or bitterness in the breakup, remaining friendly is a good thing I think. After all, at one time you loved this person..liking him/her would be very nice as far as I'm concerned and having him/her as a friend..well, that would be ideal! :) Happy Voting Day! :)
  • Frankly speaking if you don't have any commitment then it is just a waste of time and emotions to keep in touch with an ex when inspite of your efforts the relationship didn't work out :)
  • Heres a quote on the subject (not sure who said it); " If two past lovers can remain friends either they were never in love or they still are."
  • some are just better friends and others still love each other but have things in their lives pulling them in different directions
  • I think they are comfortable knowing that person so well, thinking of good times when they are having problems in the current relationship. It will stir up some negative excitement. They also haven't grown up to take care of yesterday's baggage (garbage).
  • They could keep in touch because they have a history together. I've wanted to get in touch with exes before, but I wouldn't date them again.
  • They keep in touch to see how you are doin.. They wanna know if you are miserable without them..
  • you can meet some GREAT people in this life. just becuse you are no longer dating doesnt mean you have to get rid of these people. i believe they make great friends
  • I have 1 ex husband who keeps in touch because we have 4 children together, 1 of whom is still a minor. (I'm looking forward to the day when keeping in touch is no longer necessary.) I 3 ex boyfriends who still keep in touch. 1-is because we really are FRIENDS. We were before we dated, and still are. 2-is because he knows he screwed up something good, and is waiting for the day he might have a chance to screw up again. 3-is a very good man, who I would have chosen (and had the opportunity) to marry, had I been ready.
  • If the friendship thing is very tight, then they keep in touch. I am no longer in touch with my exes exept for my daughter's father and we really have nothing in common any longer.
  • My ex and I talk to each other at least once a week because we like talking to each other. We even discuss our current relationships with other people. But we will never ever ever get back together. He doesn't want to get back with me and I don't want to get back with him. We are better off as friends.
  • I guess it would depend on the relationship before it ended. I have one ex that I somewhat keep in touch with but only because we have mutual friends. But I have another ex I wont talk to at all because I know it would cause issues. He is also a fairly recent ex and even though 98% of the feelings are gone. there will always (atleast for now) be that 2% that reminds me of what we once had together and the feelings I had for him. No contact will make that 2% go away. I dont love him.. and I know we will never be together again but its just easier this way.
  • does no big deal. :)
  • I only keep in touch if i still have feelings for him. Otherwise, I might keep in touch if it's many years ago that I don't even remember the emotion part of it. Otherwise, I don't keep in touch at all.

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