• Sounds like you are getting the boot, bud. If you feel the need, perhaps you could call and ask if she feels like getting together or something, see what she could be that she is just busy. But it sounds like she just isn't interested.
  • i dont want to hurt your feelings but if she isnt talking to you on there, it does not mean she wants you to call her if she wanted that, she'd say so she probably doesnt want to talk to you right now, for whatever reason she may not even dislike you but maybe shes just not interested in keeping in contact
  • Dude, that's crazy I'm in basically the same situation, I always have started the facebook chats, and I know how you feel, sitting there waiting if maybe she will start the conversation? idk, she has responded to the like 4 text's I've ever sent her, but yesterday I sent her a text asking if she wanted to do something tomorrow and... nothing.
  • It may mean nothing. She may just not check her facebook or if she does she may not check the comments or anything, and may just be checking to see if she has friend requests or whatever. And about texts, I have always found girls to be lousy at checking their text messages. Good luck though!
  • It means, "Get lost, Buddy!"
  • Hey facebook sucks. Close your account
  • she could be trying to ignore u. there is a high chance she doesnt bother ... or it could be she doesnt have the time to answer u if she keeps doing it , why dont u talk to her face to face rather than by facebook or similar ?
  • Darling... There comes a time when common sense takes over where desire leaves off and you have unfortunately come to... and passed that moment. leave her be before you start to seem creepy.
  • So, you interpret the fact that she's ignoring as her really wanting you to call her? Ha ha...denial is a wonderful thing!
  • Leave her alone, I think she's giving you a subtle message!
  • if shes not talking to you that much in school and doesnt reply to your texts and messages, it should mean that shes really not into you. im not trying to hurt your feeling at all. its mostly common sense on what you should do.

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