• Yes, definitely normal. I hope you didn't sleep with him. But it just takes time, maybe a while...but when you are older you will think back to it and scoff and then answer your cell phone because your new amazing boyfriend will be calling. Just a word from someone who has suffered a lot from dating. Don't give guys what they want for a while. This will make them respect you. This is a promise.
  • the human heart works in mysterious ways its not crazy when you still have feelings for someone and you shouldnt feel like your going crazy just because you cant stop thinking about him...but its only love if you both thought it was love anyways never be ashamed or anything like that because of how you feel there is nothing wrong with it :) so dont worry your not going crazy :)
  • Sounds like obsession so love could be involved. Pretty normal. Something like that happened to me when i was 14. I expect it hurts pretty bad, but it does ease, even though it feels like it never will.
  • Lol, no you haven't gone crazy. I know how you feel, except I never got with the one I liked. But I felt the same way. Truth is, I personally think that it is a very strong longing for someone. The fact that you can't stop thinking about him after 2 months of breaking up is a sign that you may be getting in a bit deep. A friend of mine is going through the same thing, and she can't stop thinking about her ex. But, sadly, no, I wouldn't call this love. It hurts just as much though. It just depends on how you think of him and what you care about the most, regarding the guy. If it's really strong, then you may be "falling" for the guy, if you haven't already. Don't worry, if it doesn't seem like it was meant to be, you'll find someone else who's even better. You just have to be patient because these things tend to take time. :)
  • No, I'm sorry, that's not what we call love. That's a crush or an obsession. It's NOT just because you are fifteen; a lot of grown women have this problem too (and grown men as well). You can tell it's not love because: 1) you're not thinking of him -- you're thinking of him WITH OTHER PEOPLE. This kind of thinking is about possession, and wounded pride, and jealousy. It is not about love. 2) you're not thinking of his happiness. Would you really want him back if you know he doesn't want to be with you? And if so, how can you call that love? Love wants what is best and happiest for a partner. Love respects a partner's choices. Love doesn't suck you down into compulsive, intrusive thoughts that only make you feel bad ("can't stop thinking about him"). If it were love, there would be some pain for your loss, but there wouldn't be a strong angry/upset focus on whether he is happy with someone else. If it were really love, you'd be HAPPY he was enjoying himself, not feeling sick about it. I know you are having a hard time, but you need to put this in perspective. Sooner or later, you almost certainly would have broken up. Hardly anyone has a successful marriage with someone they met in high school. Isn't it better that the break-up came sooner than later, so that YOU have time to look around at other people in the relatively safe and easy environment of high school? Believe me, Questioner, it gets much, much harder to find appropriate potential partners once you are out of high school or college. This is a really GOOD time to look around and date a lot. You are clearly a passionate person with a lot of affection and devotion to offer. Make sure you are offering it to someone who wants and appreciates it. Save your love for someone who thinks he is ready to love you back. Meanwhile, work on thinking of your ex as someone you cared about as a BF -- once. And whom you still care about to the extent of thinking he's a good guy and hoping he's happy. And that's all. If you don't hope he's happy -- that tells you the hard truth about whether it was love or not. I know it's a hard time for you right now, but try to imagine the future. Imagine how you'll feel about this in a year; imagine how you'll feel about this your first day of college. It makes it easier, I promise.
  • Not crazy, totally normal. You'll probably feel that way until you start liking someone else. It's the beginning of love, the attraction part, but real love is longer term and more mellow. The good news is you don't lose the good feelings forever, they just transfer to someone else eventually.
  • You are too young for this separation, talk to him and get him again, if he still love you.

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