• Easier access to water. Same reason herds of animals relocate when a water source is depleted :)
  • Fertile soil and the fact that rivers were the highways of early civilization. Another factor would be additional source of food (fish).
  • Ancient peoples were really, really into Sushi
  • It's the perfect location. You have rich, fertile farmland from spring flooding, access to plenty of fresh water, and easy transportation corridors by boat.
  • people need water
  • They were very fertile and crops could grow there easily.
  • Because water is life. It's a renewing, clean source of water, there is good fertile land around the riverbanks, and it's a fine means of travel.
  • Water for land and home (city) use Transportation Trade Wider gene pool
  • Because crops grew in the fertile flood plains around the rivers. This allowed for civilizations to grow because they were able to grow food and stay put long enough to build cities and free up energy for things other than hard labor. With this free time to think came innovation, invention, refinement and advances. This along with the spare time to think about how we got here and religion grew in influence and culture became more advanced along with that.
  • White Water Rafting, what else!
  • The water was of great use to the growing cities and people. Fed their animals, themselves, crops, and the river could be of use to the many boats that sailed on them.
  • Simple so they can grow crops, travel, and trade.
  • The soil was fertile from the soil, and the crops could grow from the nearby water. Also, the rivers provided transportation for trading, traveling, and spread of ideas. Another thing was the water itself. Living things need water.
  • The lands near rivers is fertile because there are flood usually there and the flood bring minerals for the soil which acts like a fertiliser for the crops grown there
  • Water, duh! All the ancient big cities are on rivers - London/Thames, Moscow/Moskva, Rome/3 rivers, Paris/Seine, Cairo/Nile etc.
  • Ancient Civilisations developed in river valleys because they had unlimited supply of water and they caught fish to eat and most of all, the soil near that region used to be very fertile because floods from the mountains used to bring minerals and nutrients which were good for the soil and food which was growing there. They also need Water to irrigate their fields and at that time there were no canals or something to bring water from the river to their civilisations so they started it near the river valleys. The only drawback was that floods didn't have a particular time at which they came and unwanted floods were very harmful for them and their crops, but the Nile brought flood at a fixed time so the farmers were ready for it and it wasn't able to do the mass destruction it did in the other regions such as the Indus Valley.
  • The simple reason is because it's a lot easier to grow crops there than most other places, and there is a good access to water. The pristine states of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus, and China were formed pretty much only because the places were ideal for people in which to settle down. Things like trade and transportation are really incidental benefits.
  • Water supply, protection from severe weather, agricultural advantages. etc.
  • Water. Irrigation.
  • Because they forced water through these moutains and valley's to make way for the Grand Canyon right! Or was this a Meteorite hit, and made the Grand Canyon, I have heard stories go both ways!

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