• I don't know but I know it is mentioned in one place and though I am not religious I think if this verse and this verse alone was all the bible was comprised of the world would be a much better place; "God IS Love"
  • If you count love, loved, loves then... 697 times in the NIV. 442 in the KJV. Each version is a little different in the wording.
  • The word "love" or a similar form such as "loves" or "loved" is mentioned in 697 verses of the Bible. 439 of those verses are in the Old Testament. (It could be in a particular verse more than once). Source:
  • 333
  • According to WikiAnswers...610'love'_appear_in_the_Bible or 508 or 280 The second link gives answers for the NIV and the KJV. This really fun application gives a response of 311 for the KJV and allows you to search any word or phrase in various languages for various versions of the bible. Very cool.
  • I’m sure it depends on which translation you use—but a quick search of the King James Version revealed 205 Biblical scripture references for “love,” many of which use the word multiple times; and 19 Biblical scripture references for “charity,” which of course is God’s love and thus synonymous.
  • 508, and words with 'love' in them ('loved' etc) occur 697

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