• "Arctic fox feed primarily on small mammals, including lemmings and tundra voles. Fox denning near rocky cliffs along the seacoast often depend heavily on nesting seabirds such as auklets, puffins, and murres." "The arctic fox can eat almost any form of meat readily available. Prey consists primarily of lemmings and voles, but can also include arctic ground squirrels, hares, seal pups, birds such as ptarmigan, eggs, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. When hunting, a fox can hear prey hiding up to 1.5m below the ice, and is capable of clawing through this ice to get it. The fox can exploit any source of carrion, and its keen nose can detect a carcass from up to 50km away."
  • The Arctic Fox will generally eat any meat it can find, including lemmings, Arctic Hare, reptiles and amphibians, eggs, and carrion. Lemmings are the most common prey. A family of foxes can eat dozens of lemmings each day. Fish beneath the ice are also part of its diet. When its normal prey is scarce, the Arctic Fox scavenges the leftovers of larger predators, such as the polar bear.
  • Polar Bears
  • Arctic Fox eats frozen chickens... Don't ding me onthe answer.. OK? It's a frickin joke!
  • Mice I believe!

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