• lifespan depends on healthcare, diet, indoor/outdoor lifestyle, etc. that being said, a 16 yr old cat is pretty old, and probably near the end of its life. keep an eye on the cat, and have the location of a vet/emergency vet you can take her to if she starts behaving differently. if she seems in good health now, she will probably be fine for a while.
  • There are a lot of factors that will predetermine the lifespan of a cat. A normal healthy cat can live a long time. I've had several cats that lived well into their twenties. So long as the cat is normal and not sickly or stops looking after itself, the chances are good that Kitty will be just fine until your sister comes back.
  • 16 is pretty old for a cat, but far from the oldest. I know one cat that lived to 21, and know of several that lived into their 20's. Oldest cat I heard of was 37 but 30's rare. So treat her well and as long as she's healthy there is every chance she'll last a wile longer
  • The average for an indoor cat is 12 years. I've had many cats in my life and the oldest lived to be 18.
  • They often live to 12-18 years, especially if they are not near roads or indoor cats. Most outdoor cats live only 6-10 years. Most of our cats have lived into their early 20s. They will usually show their age around 18 years maybe a little early if they have a rough life. They will get thin, maybe some arthritis and aches.

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