• i once asked that question and it was explained to me that chinese restaurants use cats for meat because you never see a meat truck make a delivery or meat brought in and there are never any cats hanging around the restaurant. this is what i was told not what i think.
  • Cat IS eaten in China. Dog IS eaten in Korea. It's not far fetched to think that some natives from these countries may indulge in their favorite foods while in the US, however, I doubt that any US restaurants do this in this day and age. This is in no way to be implied that I judge these people for eating cat or dog (or horse, as many in Europe do). This is a cultural difference -- simply that.
  • This is so dumb, I know. I have heard people say this stuff and when I opened a korean restaurant a few yars ago people started asking me this too. So to set the record straight; IT's much cheaper and easier to order a case of chicken that has already been processed (defeathered, cleaned, even skinned and deboned if you want) than to go round up a bunch of cats or dogs or rats and then skin them and prepare the meat which on a cat or rat yields very little. Economically it just isn't even feasible. Just the resources needed alone to round up that much dog or cat or rat would be too much trouble when you can get cases of chicken ready to go shipped to the restaurant for cents on the pound. The myths probably started when in the 80's one of the Faces of Death films showed a vietnamese family killing, preparing and eating a puppy. When I was in korea people still could go eat dog at certain places, I have tried it and it really isn't that bad tasting. But it is even more expensive than chicken because it is harder to procure and prepare. It is also known for it's medicinal properties. I have yet to really hear of many cultures eating cat but there are quite a few cultures in this world that eat dog including; korea, china, russia, canada, siberia, alaska, greenland, france , india, indonesia, germany, mexico, nigeria, philippines, polynesia, switzerland, taiwan and vietnam to name a few. Though in some cultures it is reserved for emergency food, such as eating sled dogs, in most it is a cuisine well liked and sought after. As for those that think eating dog is gross, imagine what you might do to get meat if there were ever a war on American soil (or whatever country you live in) and all cattle and poultry were killed by chemical weapons or other tools of war? Where would you get meat? Most people have pets and it would be a viable source of meat to round up all the dogs in a city for consumption when faced with starvation. People eat far more gross my opinion I would rather eat a dog than a nasty pig.

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