• I would make tic toc available to everyone, even the Americans who hate it.😊😉😋😍😎
  • I would make people eat more chocolate. Studies show that eating chocolate lowers the stress hormone levels in people who feel anxious and stressed. 😆
  • Strange limitation, since the question starts off with "If you had the power...". So: if I can't do World peace, I do this: no one goes hungry unless they want to; no one goes without top-notch medical care unless they want to; enough police stationed in enough locations to practically eliminate crime; no legal (i.e. by mandate of law) oppression or discrimination for reasons of religion, age, gender, or race. Reform penitentiary system (make it less pleasant and yet more safe for the inmates). Price control on necessities of life such as necessary utilities (heat, water, garbage disposal). Create large (much larger), policed national parks with very stiff fines for harming the environment. Stricter environmental protection laws, with sufficient legal "teeth" to punish the violators. * And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Remove evil.

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