• Like with all other past advanved cultures: Theyd try to convert them, forcing them to forget their own culture, and kill the rest. Effectively wiping out another possibly really cool race.
  • Denounce them as products of Satan.
  • Christians are very strong with their beliefs. They'll first try to learn the alien's culture and believes, then deny them with all their strength, and force them to convert to Christianity. They would consider them inferior and would use religion as an excuse to eliminate them.
  • Seeing as that is hypothetical, it is no use speculating on it....I could equally ask, what would non-Christians do, if we discovered aliens who were pretty much the same as us and DID believe in God and heaven?
  • Pretty much the same as we do now , argue about it and never come to any conclusion or change anyones opinion either
  • Say that they are godless heathens?
  • Depends on who's president.
  • Take a page from Islam and begin a whole new Jihad? Just think of ALL THOSE potential new converts!
  • Light them all on fire.
  • Aliens have a sure destination: hell. No redemption for these fiercely intelligent creatures. ET, go home. The truth is stranger than fiction.
  • I believe aliens mean extra terrestial beings and angels, fallen or not, are just that. They are more advanced than us, yet all of them know of God. It is more of a matter of whether they are on His side, serving Him, or are awaiting the final judgment.
  • First it's a hypothetical question with no hope of obtaining a positive yes or no explanation to go with it, second it doesn't fit with what Scripture presents. So I guess I'm not too worried about it.
  • some people would want to leave earth and live with the aliens.
  • You don't have to leave this planet, Ridiculous! Spiders, roaches [survival], bees and termites [socially] are more advanced than us and they don't care a hoot about god! (see #1 for 10 proofs below) [And a pig's orgasm can last for 30 human-minutes!] 10 proofs against existence of a Biblical ‘god-being’ 1. Non-humans who outnumber humans billion-to-one, don’t care for god in any way by prayer, worship, sacrifice / otherwise. 2. Historically, a particular god’s attributes are reflected, or projected from —& limited to— those of its believers & ‘prophets-priests-pimps’. 3. If god can be ‘felt-in-heart’ or imagined-in-mind, so can be ‘devil’ & countless other emotions / concepts. 4. Humans who don’t care for god in any way by prayer, etc are unaffected by any god. 5. Nobody has perceived ‘god’ within 5 physical senses. 6. Believers in different ‘gods’ can coexist, survive, compete & kill each other & their gods are powerless. 7. All Gods have been ineffective in final resolution of inter-god disputes. 8. However all ‘different’ believers & non-believers are subject to natural forces equally. 9. Natural elements truly control matter like god. 10. Man (women too) today controls elements, disproving god’s supremacy over matter! Amen!
  • Same thing they do with other non-believers...
  • This is a very good question, in fact how would all the major religions react? Some would question their faith i think. Although most of them would be in denial. It would be great if it did happen because it might make the human race become a single entity and stop people fighting.
  • I consider this a moot point. Any society significantly advanced enough to achieve interstellar travel would most likely have high standards to even make contact with us. The religious designations that different groups give themselves would make no sense to them at first. As long as we kill each other along cultural and religious lines I doubt we meet the standards for first contact anyway. Even if they somehow view us equally, they are very unlikely to be persuaded by any dogma, be it Islamic, Christian or any of the other numerous earth religions. One of the hallmarks of significantly advanced societies on earth is advanced scientific knowledge. Generally this type of mindset does not lend itself to religious bias. It is very unlikely space-faring cultures would have anything but a detached curiosity for our religions. I would expect this to be taken badly by fundamentalists of all religions possibly to the point of denouncing alien cultures as evil and spreading xenophobia. The two most likely outcomes I can foresee from such a demonstration of ignorance would be the destruction of our culture or the shunning of our society until we evolve beyond such pettiness.
  • They could be more technologically advanced but that does not mean that they have been shared the Gospel. I would share the gospel with them and see if they are able to believe in anything other than that which can be proved. But, just because they are more advanced does not mean that they can say, without hesitation, that there are not more things in heaven and earth than are are dreamt in their philosophy.
  • They would do exactly as they always have done because they don't understand that anyone could know more than they do so they would just make it their mission to convert them and give them the Bible to prove Christian superiority. Sorry, nice Christians, I don't mean you guys.
  • No amount of logical evidence will make someone truly faithful change their beliefs. That is the definition of faith. We have very strong evidence here on earth that refutes the stories in the bible, yet that will never sway the faithful. There is nothing wrong with that. Faith and logic are completely non-overlapping.
  • What would you do if you grew to eight feet tall and six hundred pounds? Who knows any of this stuff? Why fight God? He is not just an idea to argue about.
  • try to convert them . or invent a new devil in them and say they knew it was comming .
  • They couldn't be more advanced than us and not believe in God because that's retarded.
  • I don't care if they are Christians, Druzes, Swedenborgians, or if they believe in a sweaty gym sock or a collection of old songs and letters. If they're more advanced, I'd want to learn from them.
  • We would do an exchange. I would tell them about God, then then would tell me all they know!
  • i would tell the theistic ones,that,these aliens are the "gods" mankind has for so long worshipped,if nothing else...
  • Well, they're obviously not more advanced religiously/philosophically, so try to educate/enlighten them in those areas. But what would Atheists do if we discovered aliens that were more advanced than us and they not only DID believe in God, they were all Christian fundamentalists and creationists?
  • They'd beat them over the head with Bibles until the aliens achieved osmosis. Or until they crushed their skulls. whichever comes first.
  • how do you define "more advanced"?
  • I don't think that they would do anything. They would ignore them, and continue believing what they do. They would probably focus on having sermons about the demons from hell for months though, and use them to attract bigger congregations and more tithes to their churches. You know, take advantage of their presence by exploiting them and making a profit from their mere existance here. Like the churches always have done, and always will do, they will find a way to convince their followers that their church is the only true religion, and that all others are going to hell.
  • Well hey I can't speak for other "Christians" but I would think it was friggin cool. lol I don't care if someone or something doesn't believe in God. I doubt seriously my cat believes in God, but I love her just the same. lol All that matters to me is MY beliefs. I ain't worried about noone els but myself. It's exhausting trying to explain things to these people who insist on asking questions about Christians, that don't even really know Christians. Most of the people who aren't believers just assume that all Christians are Jahova's Witness kinda people. lol Um...NOT! No Christian I know would be caught dead on the street corners holding a sign yelling at cars about the Bible. We think those people are weird. haha
  • Make them watch "Star Trek V The Final Frontier."
  • Hopefully offer themselves up for experimentation so we can finally find out what's wrong with them...
  • True Christians would continue to trust God.
  • Try to convert the aliens
  • Maybe talk with them, show them the evidence and if they refuse to convert, just be friendly. Most of the others answering this obviously have some major chips on their shoulders :)
  • I'd grab my ray gun and .50 cal. haha.
  • I am not Christian. I believe in Christ Consciousness and follow the life of Christ as well as other masters. That said, if a race of "aliens" did not believe in the concept of God, there is no contest. They are not advanced. End of story. No advanced race could or would ever consider any expression without including God. It's a given that becomes more and more apparent as we advance.
  • Here's a counter-proposition: what would you do when you discovered that the aliens ARE gods?
  • i am a christian and i would witness to them...
  • Oh, come on. WE are the aliens, descended from marooned extra-galactic astronauts thousand and thousands of earth-years ago. That's why there is no "missing link" in the fossil record. Homo Sapiens appears suddenly, with no precursor, fully differentiated from and vastly superior to Homo Neanderthalensis. BTW, I'm not entirely convinced that Neanderthal IS extinct. My ex-sister-in-law is ... well, she has no frontal lobes.
  • I have no idea about what Christians would do - I however think that me myself, an Atheist, will bust out in joy full laughter if and when I hear that announcement.
  • we'd conclude that they were evil minions and declare a unified- multi-mono-theistic crusade against them.
  • Look no further! There is a growing number of atheists advancing and prospering on this very planet earth, who have cracked the God delusion' and as a result who live a GEMS* life! (*GEMS = Guilt-free, Ethical-Moral and Successful) * * * Atheists are so advanced 'spiritually' that gods and spirits might needs them but the atheists don't give a hoot! e.g. 10 proofs against existence of a ‘god-being’ 1. Non-humans, who outnumber humans billion-to-one, don’t care for god in any way by prayer, worship, sacrifice / otherwise. 2. A particular god’s attributes are always reflected on to those of its ‘prophets-priests-pimps’ & their believers. 3. If god can be ‘felt-in-heart’ or imagined-in-mind, so can be ‘devil’ & countless other emotions / concepts. 4. Humans who don’t care for any god in any way by prayer, etc., are unaffected by it. 5. Nobody has perceived ‘god’ within 5 physical senses. 6. Believers in different ‘gods’ can coexist, compete & kill each other & their gods are powerless. 7. All Gods have been ineffective in final resolution of inter-god disputes. 8. However all ‘different’ believers & non-believers are subject to natural forces equally. 9. Natural elements truly control matter ‘like god’. 10. Mankind today controls elements, disproving (dead or alive) god’s supremacy over matter –dead or alive! Amen! The God Delusion: << Delusion [di lo’osh’n] (delusions) 1. false belief a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric condition 2. mistaken notion a false or mistaken belief or idea about something >>
  • Why would someone/thing else not believing in God or heaven affect someone else's faith? Just because an alien life form doesn't have faith that there is a God, that doesn't make them right.
  • Funny thing. I believe there can be alien species out there. There is no saying that there is not. But its against boundries to reach each other. The day that the day something false is happening, and somebody out there is tricking you into believing the aliens are here. Soooo if they came claiming there is no God or heaven, be careful of what you believe, and who they are. And what you see....your only falling into a trap.
  • Claim they had been Scientologists all along but were too ashamed to admit it because they thought Tom Cruise was the antichrist.
  • They would still be wrong. Human so-called "scientists" try to convince us that they are more advanced than we are because they dont belive in God. Real Scientists have come to the conclusion that there must be a God. No alien (if there are such creatures) can be more advanced that God Himself that created them! "Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?" ~ Isaiah 29:16
  • You've an interesting question which must remain theoretical. C.S. Lewis said that IF we did encounter a people from another planet, that people should be expected to know this Yehovah we talk about, and even know Jesus. If not, then (yes) there'd be problems. The interesting part is that aliens do know Yehovah and do admit to the existence of Jesus. Ya see, both "ghosts" and "UFOs" are things that do what is naturally impossible in this universe; this makes them supernatural. And when one looks at the communication from both "ghosts" and "UFOs", one hears much about one thing or another that always gets around to saying that Jesus is not the way, the truth, and the life, and that plenty come to the Father (or whatever they're offering) by plenty of other ways than Jesus. The Urantia Book is a weird example: one third of it goes on and on about how Jesus was some minor, peripatetic preacher. If He was so minor, why are you spending so much time on Him? Quid Erat Demonstratum
  • They'd probably freak out........
  • I would invite them to my church on the third Sunday of the month, that's when we have our potluck dinner.
  • They'll invite them to church and try to "save" them!
  • We would witness to them and tell them about Jesus!
  • Probably nothing. There are many people on this earth that don't believe in God and heaven. So it wouldn't be any big deal. :)
  • You are talking about ET's right? To be honest that would throw the whole Bible and the premise of humans that needed Jesus to die for them right into the toilet. Right? That would be a dream come true for ashiest. Who's to say though, that if there were these ET's, that they wouldn't bring there own religious beliefs. If humans have came up with the need to worship some kind of way, why would not other's on other planets? Then they would come and proselytize there way of worship. You can write any kind of script when it comes to SYFI. If in fact your scenario were to playout then the words in 1Corinthians 15:19 "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone." NWT Yes! the apostle Paul's words would apply to anyone that placed there hope and faith in Jesus and his father Jehovah. The apostle Paul was refuting the thought being put forth that Jesus was not actually resurrected from the dead. He made it clear that in his words "we are also found to be false witnesses of God". Yes, as Christians our hope is in the sacrifice of our load Jesus. On the other hand the verse in the Byington translation says at 1 Corinthians 15:17 "and if Christ has not risen, your faith is futile, you are still in your sins." But since we are talking about science, the technology that we now have, not only to explore space, the mars expedition with the rover showing all those great videos and pictures, but also telescopes that have shown us images light years into space. What have we found? Nothing. Nada. So really wouldn't you need just as much faith in these ET's as I do in my belief in a God and the need for his son to ransom me from Adamic sin? Here is a link to the question Is there a God who cares? You might find it interesting, I hope you do.
  •'d have basically two camps: *** Camp #1 - The Christians who realize that Christianity - according to the Bible - is a covenant between God and human beings. These Christians would not make an effort to convert any ETs to Christianity unless they asked to convert. *** Camp #2 - The Christians who think that ETs should adopt Christianity. They would attempt to convert as many ETs as possible. *** Given the nature of the question, you're probably thinking, "But won't Christians be devastated by an alien race that doesn't believe in any deity?" The answer - of course - is "No. Most humans don't believe in Christianity - and they're here where we are, where they have had the opportunity to learn it. Why would we expect aliens to be Christians or to worship the Christian God? Answer: of course we would not expect that at all."
  • "We are the Borg, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated! 8/25/23
  • Christians would have to preach to them, and get them to believe in God and His Kingdom, that's for sure. 😄
  • It is said, God created the universe and everything in it. Therefore wherever you are in the universe God exists. Any alien to the earth will know of a supreme being, they may have a different name, but will affirm to such a being.

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